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Show us your favorite childhood toy.
Posted at 09:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (16)
You know. The voice that is in your head. The one that is always talking to you...telling you what you should and shouldn't be doing. The one that tells you you should be working instead of posting on VOX, the one that tells you to make the bed and cook some supper. The one that tells you not to buy something because you have to pay rent. The voice that reminds you to feed the dogs and the kid....that voice.
Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me sane.
Because sometimes the other voice...it tells you to go ahead and buy that ~whatever~ the other voice can figure out how to pay the bills. Or it tells you that you can get your work done AND post on VOX. It tells you that someone else will feed the dogs and the kid---you don't need to make the bed, it will just get slept in again, and you don't need to make supper---we'll just pick something up from somewhere. The other voice even says things like 'if you were dead that wouldn't matter anymore.
Yup, it's a good thing I hear two voices.
Posted at 12:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (4)
What aspect of your personality could use a little work?
My Motherhood patience---it is very lacking.
My self-confidence---it is practically zero
My concentration level----I'm way to easily distracted.
heh, today I don't like me very much.
Posted at 09:21 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Things I hate:
*Cold hands
*The Flu
*Side Effects from Tami-flu
*60+ mile commute
Things I love
*My husband
*Cloudy windy days
*my sick with the flu son
*My computer
*Fingertip-less gloves
*Spring/Easter time
*The color purple
*Pork Roast and mashed potatoes w/gravy
Posted at 05:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
Jordan took his first dose of Tami-flu Saturday evening. By Sunday morning he was about 90% back to normal. He was full of energy, and was bouncing all over the house per usual. He still had a lingering cough and would wear out pretty quick only to spend about 30 minutes lounging on the couch, then he was back up being his annoying spitting/spewing/jumping/pew-pew-pewing-self. Sunday evening he was even complaining about having to miss school on both Monday and Tuesday.
Sunday morning Chris and I both took our first dose of Tami-flu as a preventative. Not long after my stomach was hurting and I felt awful. About an hour after I started to feel icky, Chris started feeling icky, too. I felt so bad for so long on Sunday that Monday I was hesitant to take the medicine. I was seriously thinking about waiting to see if I had flu symptoms before taking more of the medicine...but I went ahead and took it anyway. I didn't have any side effects to speak of on Monday, and neither did Chris.
Monday, Jordan spent the day lounging around feeling kind of glad that he didn't have to go to school as he was not feeling his best.
Tuesday, Chris decides to wait until lunchtime to take his medicine, I take it with my breakfast. Jordan takes it on an empty stomach with a glass of orange juice. In less than an hour Jordan is in serious stomach pain. He alternates between feeling nauseous and feeling like someone has sucker punched him in the stomach repeatedly. I try to get him to eat some peanut butter toast--he manages to get down half a piece and then his stomach hurts so bad he can't eat anymore. I call the pharmacy and all they can tell me is for him to not take it on an empty stomach and to give him some Mylecon if his stomach continues to hurt. Uhmm...I don't have any Mylecon, Pepto Bismal, or any other upset stomach remedies. I have Immodium and Tums. I call Chris at work to see what he has to say...actually I call Chris at work so I can calm my about to panic-self down...because I'm stuck at the house with a sick child and no way to get to the doctor should it be decided that Jordan needs to go back. Chris and I talk about Jordan's stomach pain and it is decided to give him one of the Tum's tablets and if he isn't better in just a little bit, Chris will come home at lunchtime so there is a car here in case Jordan needs to go to the doctor.
Two things come to mind. One: Chris and I took the Tami-flu with orange juice and ended up with some pretty bad stomach pains and feeling like crap. Jordan took it this morning with orange juice and ended up with some pretty bad stomach pains and feeling worse than he was feeling when he was first diagnosed with the flu. Two: Jordan hadn't had anything to drink today except that orange juice.
Along with the Tums he got a glass full of Gatorade. He is feeling better. I no longer feel like I'm trapped with no way to get him to the doctor as it looks like he doesn't need to go.
He will supposedly be well enough for school tomorrow. I hope so.
Posted at 11:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
What would you name your first, or next child? (Girl or boy.)
Elizabeth Suzanne
Emily Elizabeth
Caitlyn Elizabeth
But, another child is not in the cards for us. Unless it is through adoption.
I hate my body. ~sigh~
Posted at 09:37 AM | Permalink | Comments (5)
I love feeding the birds and squirrels. I really love to stand at the window and watch the birds and squirrels scamper and hop around while eating. I've even been known to ask for bird/squirrel feeders for a present. So, the last few weeks I've been tossing out some bird seed for the little birds and the squirrels. They come every morning and gather outside the office window and eat breakfast until it is time to fly somewhere else for the rest of the day.
Chris saw OC trying to catch one of my little bird friends this morning. ~sigh~ I didn't think that feeding the birds would lead to OC trying her paw at catching them. I can't remember ever seeing her with a bird...she catches mice and moles; I can only hope the birds and the squirrels are to fast for her.
Posted at 01:23 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
He's got the flu.
While we were sitting in the waiting room at the doc-in-a-box I started counting my blessings. BoyWonder is not a sickly kid. I can count on one hand the number of times he's been sick enough to have to see the doctor. He's never had an ear infection, this is his first bout with the flu, and he's only had strep throat twice.
I'm a lucky Mom to a lucky kid.
Chris and I are on Tami-flu once daily for ten days as a precaution. Jordan takes it twice a day for five days. Jordan also has a twelve hour cough medicine to take.
Jordan is not to go back to school until Wednesday. Lucky thing I work from home.
Posted at 07:56 PM | Permalink | Comments (7)
Jordan has come home from school with a cough. Which usually isn't a big deal as he has a seasonal allergy cough. But something made me check his forehead; which prompted me to get the thermometer and just as I suspected BoyWonder has a small grade fever. Since it is 'just' 100 I'm not going to treat it as I've heard that fevers fight infection and if I 'kill' the fever then I'm 'killing' the germ fighters. (I hope I'm right.) Well, he says he doesn't feel bad. His voice sounds horrible, though, so I looked in his mouth. His tonsils are swollen have red streaks on them. So, I try to call the doctor's office to see if Strep Throat is going around. They're already closed for the day. So, I call my friend to see if a lot of people are not coming into work as their kid has strep throat. No answer. (!!Iidea!!!! I'll call the pharmacy!!---heh, they don't know either: well, more specifically she said "everything else is, so it probably is, too." I did not talk with a pharmacist.) Okay, so I hop onto the internet just to see how bad the flu outbreak is.
I've never seen the map look this bad before: Oh my goodness!! I didn't get a flu shot. None of us did.
Posted at 04:35 PM | Permalink | Comments (6)
I need some serious motivation. I'm not losing anymore---but, I'm not eating and exercising as I should be. I just don't seem to have it in me to make the healthier decisions right now. I'm going for instant gratification over long term goals---so Friday morning weigh-ins are really starting to suck. Not so much because I'm putting weight back on (it isn't much at all and is probably even considered a 'normal fluctuation') but because it is starting to feel like a chore and not so much 'fun' anymore. According to the 'charts' and such I should be down to my goal weight next month. It isn't going to happen....unless something terribly drastic happens. I'm trying to lose smart---but at the same time I want it gone, yesterday. ONe of the girls at work is doing the high protien/low carb thing. She's lost a considerable amount of weight since Christmas. So much so that I'm tempted to try it. But, I know it is terribly terribly unhealthy to not eat fruits and veggies. I want his to be a lifestyle change, not a temporary thing.
So, I'm looking for new motivation.
I've been invited to a wedding in June--I'd like to meet old and new friends looking my best. But, that really doesn't seem to be highly motivating at this time. Maybe because June seems so far away; but it is only 15 weeks away. If I could lose just one pound a week I'd be close to my goal of 131. I'm actually not so sure that 131 is a 'good' goal. I wonder if that is too low. I'm 43, 5 '3.5" and I have a medium to big boned frame. Maybe if I lose those 15 pounds and get to about 138 that would be a more healthy weight for me. I don't know. I just know that something has to change or I may end up putting the pounds back on and I do NOT want that. ~sigh~
Starting weight=170
Last week=153.4
This week=153.6
Goal weight=131
Pounds lost=16.4
Pounds to go=22.6
Posted at 08:36 AM | Permalink | Comments (23)