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Oh!  I am glad you didn't get "seriously" hurt, though i know the hurt is serious.  Ice is a great idea...You can use it 3-4 times a day for about 15 min to reduce swelling. 

I've been packing in the last couple of days and Teulu is starting to act like a complete A**!  He is coming, but he can't seem to just relax, poor doggie.

I'm sure Jordan will be a huge help to his Grandmother.  He's just that type of kid isn't he?


Oh, yeah, he'll definately help his grandma out when he's here.  It is during the day when he's at school and she is here alone with Darcy that has me concerned.  Mom will be the one putting Darcy on and off the chain.  If Mom doesn't get her bluff in with Darcy pretty quickly, Darcy will run off on her.

Oh, we had a salesman pay a call earlier today.  He was trying to sell membership to the Air Evac Life Services...anyway, he was commenting about why we kept her on the chain, and how he hates to see a dog live like that, blah blah blah....I told him that it was for her own safety that we keep her on a chain, she doesn't chase deer or run the risk of getting hit by a car if she is on the chain.  And I told him that she is inside more than outside, she sleeps and eats inside, etc...blah blah blah.  It kind of made me mad that he would make the comments he made.  I 'know' that a chain is not a life for dogs and the best thing is a fenced in yard---but mine isn't on the chain all the time and I can't afford to fence in my yard.  The old geezer should just keep his thoughts to himself.  *snort!*


[this is good] owwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! that hurts!!!!
What did Darcy do, when this happened?  Come to see if you were OK? Or sit and watch you?


She had no idea---she was trying to get to Jordan and Baron---when she saw me sitting on the steps though, she came running over to lick me on the face.  She had no idea she caused the fall.


Oh, that's good, hunh? they can feel so sad about those things......


yikes!!!  hope you feel bettr


oops - i meant better soon!


All I could think of when reading your description is Saturday Night Live, either Chris Farley or Chevy Chase falling down... LOL Not funny, I know, but very good descriptions. Hope it doesn't hurt too much in the morning...

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